Who would benefit from our courses?

Our courses are designed for anyone with an interest in conducting their own litigation in any capacity. It would also be of benefit to anyone who in their work or business is engaged in or deals with litigation and the court process. Our courses really do provided a crash course in what is involved in representing yourself.

In these times “paid for” legal services are extremely expensive and out of reach for many. Also some people don’t trust lawyers and just want to conduct their own cases. The imbalance between represented and unrepresented litigants can be vast and through our course we aim to better equip to run your own case.

The vast myriad of court rules, practice and procedure is extremely daunting for non-lawyers. In fact it is daunting task for many lawyers to come to grips with it competently unless are specialist litigators,

Our courses would also be of great assistance to anybody who is considering embarking on representing themselves.

Our advocacy course would be of great assistance for anyone interested in appearing themselves in court. It would also assist anyone wanting a greater insight into presenting a case in court such as “lay advocates”, prospective bar and school students or just anyone fascinated in courtroom advocacy.

Our courses require no prior or assumed knowledge whatsover.